Flannel Jammies Farm

...praising God on our 1/5 acre of suburbia

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week In The Life, Day Seven

Ah, the last day of this project of my week in photos.  Saturday is always a fun day: markets, projects, events, and spending time with the husband...

Week In The LIfe, Day Six

More photos for my project... Friday's to-doings...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Week In The LIfe, Day Five

Continuing the "Week In The Life" project, photos from my Thursday of errands and laundry for Mom and household to-doings.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Week In The Life, Day Four

Last day at work for the week, and date night with the husband (dinner out and a screening of "Forks Over Knives" with guest speaker, Dr. Neal Barnard.  His book on reversing diabetes with a plant-based diet changed my life.  The last photo is me with Dr. Barnard, all fan/groupie-like)