Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Tale of Two Dishcloths...

It was the best of dishcloths, it was the worst of dishcloths...

Today I'm blogging as Farm Wife in Suburbia over at Capper's Farmer Magazine about two styles of handmade dishcloths and my (not so) scientific testing of each.  Take a look by clicking HERE...


  1. followed your link and left a comment there.
    enjoyed it!

  2. well, I tried to leave a comment, here is what it said--

    I followed your link first from farm blog hop then to here... I've been making dish cloths (with yarn) for years, but never thought of crocheting with the smaller thread doubled. I have some in my stash...I must give this a try as well.
    Interesting question...which will hold better? (in the long run)
    thanks for sharing.

  3. Pat, thanks for visiting!! I'll be doing my own research about the longevity, but for now I'm just enjoying the handwork. 😊
