Friday, April 16, 2010

Stay-cation Joy

I am very perishable.  Just ask my family.  I travel like an over-ripe strawberry, arriving battered and bruised and looking quite yucky indeed.

Since my latest surgery last May, it's even worse.  I am getting out, but I tire easily and must stop to find a fainting couch to collapse upon with a heavy sigh and a waving hankie.

For these reasons, we have decided to have a stay-cation this week.  We had planned a lovely trip away, but realized that both my husband and I would be happier if we stayed closer to home.

Yesterday, we spent the day along Main Street in Gloucester.  What a quaint and lovely place to visit!  Historic buildings, tasty and artsy eateries, lovely boutiques, and we arrived on a week between their Daffodil Festival and their Historic Garden Week tour.  The buildings had beautiful wreaths on their doors and gateways and tulips and daffodils were rioting up and down the thoroughfare.  What delight!

Last night, I studied topically on 'night' and 'nightwatches' in the Bible.  I am often up in the middle of the night... what does God's Word have to say about that?  It was fascinating and wonderful to take the time to dig in and study for a block of time.

Today we visited garden centers and then returned home to work on our own little piece of Paradise.  I planted some pickling cucumbers and some globe-shaped basil and some garlic and more borage and one more eggplant.  After surveying the progress and cleaning up, I was treated to dinner and a white rose corsage by two of the sweetest friends EVER!  Truly friends are one of our greatest blessings on this earth... it was so special to take time to share a meal and the bond of friendship without squeezing it in or hurrying through it!

Next, the cute guy and I will pack up and head off to Williamsburg.  We'll tour the Colonial area, shop for antiques and pretties, eat scrumptious foods, and just be together.  We'll pray and plan and praise the Lord for His grace, healing, and provision.

Dear ones, it would have been so easy for me to say, "I'm just not up to doing anything" or "Let's take a trip another time".  It would have been so easy to continue to work, do laundry, make dinner, and kiss my husband on the way to bed.  But my God is able...

So I chose to do what I could do.  I thought outside of the box.  I said, "Yes" when "No" was the easy way out.  And something miraculous occurred: I was blessed beyond what any tropical cruise or faraway spa retreat could have offered.  I connected with the Word, with God, with my husband, with friends, and with myself, right now, right where I am.  I hoped and I believed and I was blessed.

Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
"The Lord is my portion," says my soul,
"Therefore I hope in Him!"
Lamentations 3:22-24


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed your stay-cation. I prefer smaller trips with my hubby over grander vacations. It refreshes us more. After your travels, I'd love to have you out to Brown Wren Acres for a visit. Blessings.

  2. I personally love stay-cations! I don't travel well and neither does my daughter. We always miss home!

