Monday, April 5, 2010

Tom's Favorite Spring Recipe...

Ah, Easter... a glorious day of hope and joy and celebration of our Lord's resurrection.

Now, just one day later, there's Easter grass all over the house and extra delicate laundry to be done and leftovers, leftovers, leftovers.  Do you have lots of these hanging around in your fridge?

Hard cooked eggs are great for deviled eggs, egg salad, sliced on a green salad, etc., but every year we have my husband's favorite Spring recipe: Egg Rice Salad.  I know, it sounds a bit weird, but stay with me here.  I found the recipe YEARS ago as a young, I-can-burn-water-without-even-trying wife, in a 1982 cookbook, "Betty Crocker's Working Woman's Cookbook".  Now I didn't work and I was certainly no Betty Crocker, but I gave it a try.  It's been one of his favs since then!  I've since learned that it's a very old, cost-saving recipe with many variations, but here's the recipe I use:

10 oz. frozen peas
8 hard cooked eggs, coarsely chopped
3 cups cooked rice
2 medium stalks celery, sliced (about 1 cup)
1 small onion, chopped (about 1/4 cup)
4 oz. Monterey Jack cheese, cut into 1/4" - 1/2" cubes
2 oz. diced pimento, drained, if desired
1 cup mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon prepared mustard
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon dried dill weed, if desired

Rinse frozen peas under running cold water to separate; drain.  Mix peas, eggs, rice, celery, onion, pimento (if using), and cheese.  In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and dill weed (if using); toss with egg mixture.  Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours but no longer than 24 hours.  This recipe serves at least six, so I usually halve it.

My husband will be overjoyed when he arrives home to find this on the dinner table! 


  1. Grandma Kathy CarbaughApril 5, 2010 at 4:09 PM

    What's your address? We will be there for dinner since it is "Tom's" favorite recipe.

  2. Sounds delicious - I'll have to make a copy! Have to love Betty Crocker!

  3. It looks great. I am going to give it a try.

  4. Sounds interesting! Will have to try this! Thanks!

  5. I just ran across your blog for the first time and it is charming. i look forward to reading more. Thank you for sharing the recipe. It looks delish! Can not wait to try.

  6. Oh, you're making me hungry!

    What an interesting recipe -- I have a recipe stash at Sugar Tails Recipe Box -- and I love to try new things. (Your burnt water comment made me smile.)

    Thanks for visiting Sugar Tails and answering Friendly Friday's question! I'm not a big camper, but the guys in my house love it. It's great just to get away from it all.

    You have a lovely blog!!

  7. Tom says "use spicy cheese IF YOU DARE!" :-))

  8. Wow! I am going to make this dish this week! Love the no meat part! Light and hopefully flavorful!
