Sunday, May 16, 2010

Come to the Meadow...

"Come to the Meadow" was the theme for this afternoon's country tea and installation of officers for the women of our church.  It was a beautiful day of fine weather, dear Christian sisters praising and laughing together, and delicious teas and treats.

Our church courtyard was appointed with country finery such as quilts, antique linens, and fresh hydrangea and jasmine from the plants therein.

Friends gathered for prayer, devotion, and the installation of officers before wandering into the courtyard with tea fare.

It was my joy and blessing to help decorate and brew teas for this special day.

The responsive reading was so lovely and moving, and was written by the outgoing leader of the women of our church, a dear friend of mine for many years...

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

If the day is dark and my spirit is low, 
that I see my reflection gives me hope because I know I am still me, child of God,
And He will be with me until the day brightens.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

If I have been maligned and my friends have turned away
and I have a sense of being all alone to face my adversaries,
in my reflection I can face myself and know that my God will not abandon me.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

When those I love are taken up to be with God and a great void is left in my life,
I can look into the water, see my image and imagine it surrounded
by the spirits of those loved ones whom God now holds in His hands...
And I know that He will fill the void and help me continue.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

If I take time to pray, If I mediate on His word...
if I do my very best in an increasingly difficult world,
I know that His hand will guide me and He will lift me when I fall,
and my reflection will always be there.

He restoreth my soul.  Amen.

Take care, my friend, open the Word, share a cup of tea with friends, and make each day a thing of beauty.


  1. How wonderful! We are so blessed to be surrounded by Proverbs 31 women who minister with their gifts.

  2. What a wonderful day you had with the ladies of your church! And the responsive reading was very inspirational!

    Many blessings to you, my friend!


  3. What a beautiful responsive reading and such lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing both.

  4. Thanks for your comments, everyone! This day was glorious and I'm so glad you enjoyed the post.
