Friday, May 28, 2010

Getting Ready for the Weekend

It's 10:30 on a Friday, sunny and 70 degrees.  We're preparing for joy...

My sweet son and his beautiful bride are coming for a visit,  bringing along Pickle, our adorable granddog.  Darling daughter is off this weekend, beginning a new job next week, so she'll be here, too.  My whole family will be together.  It's true bliss!!!

Much to do: clean the house (well, some of it, at least), bake bread (in the machine), hang out the flag (Betsy Ross version, of course!), create a menu (who's eating what now?), straighten the outside area for 2 vibrant pups to romp (put Lawn Doctor on my list), and on and on. 

Yesterday I found a fun new doormat for the back patio...

Let's see.  We'll need cool drinks.  Iced tea!  I'll make some in the garden...

Now, finish the laundry, dust and vacuum, make Strawberry Festival plans, tidy up the porch...

Uh-oh.  Scarlett has given up on me.  All this reads like too much work in her book.  She's decided to have a sunshine nap and wait for Pickle to come and play.  Maybe she has the right idea...

Praying safety and joy for each of you this holiday weekend!!!


  1. It sounds like a perfectly wonderful day!! Love your new mat! Have a wonderful holiday . . .

  2. Thought of you as I put my jammies on after ALL of the grand kids were in bed. Can't wait to get back to your garden but will enjoy the laughter of my grand kids for NOW!
