Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

these women make us into the people we will be...
by what they do and what they do not do,
by what they say and what they leave unsaid,
by what they allow and what they prohibit.

 my father with his mother and sister

these women show us how to care for others...
by the way they care for those around them,
by the way they share love with each of their children,
by the way they nurture their children's children.

my mother and me

take joy...
in their children's laughter,
in their children's learning,
in their children's love.

my gorgeous, gifted, silly ones
rejoice in the truth,
bear all things,
believe all things, 
hope all things.
(1 Corinthians 13:4-8a)

 our family christmas, 2009

My greatest joy in this life is being a mother... 
thank you, dear ones, for letting me mother you... 
my love for you is never ending.

And for my mothering friends...
remember to love EXTRAVAGANTLY each day!

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