Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Unexpected Gift

The call came as I was doing my work, making my plans, rushing through my day.  A sweet messenger of grace was calling, a woman I did not know.  She was unable to go to the conference, you see, and she the substitute attendee herself.  There is this paid registration.  Four days of retreat, of study, of fellowship.  The room is ready, the meals are included.  It's in the mountains.  And, she said, it would be so nice if I could go and glean, as I would be supporting others through my work in the days to come.  The conference would begin the next day.

The human girl in me thought of all the reasons (excuses) I should not go: the fatigue, the health issues, the family responsibilities, the travel, the clothes unwashed and unpacked.  So the human girl in me spoke tentatively to the messenger, "Let me call you back in just a few minutes."  As my mind (and stomach) swirled, considering all the logistics and reasons (excuses), a quiet image began to form.  Slowly, building, it became clearer.  God had opened His storehouse and brought out a treasure for me... for ME.  God, who knows me better than anyone else, who knows the endless impossibilities of my life, who knows the secrets of my heart, had offered this gift.  How could I refuse?

This morning, my clothes are washed, my bags are packed, my foodstuffs are prepared, my family is provided for, my Jeep is full of gas, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude.  The journey is before me and I look forward to it with joy!

Friends, keep an open ear to the messengers that come into your life.  Be ready for the open hand of a loving Lord.  Remember to whisper, "yes".


  1. I hope you have a wonderfully refreshing time. Blessings,

  2. It is such a blessing the way God works in our lives. Sometimes we are just too busy to see or hear. May you have a spirit filled 4 days.
