Sunday, September 19, 2010

Psalm 122:1

the steeple at Providence Presbyterian Church

I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

I love my church.  Today's music was inspirational, today's sermon was right on target, today's fellowship was sweet, and today's prayers were heartfelt conversation with the King.  After the service, everyone gathered for our yearly church picnic.  I truly was glad when it was time to go into the house of the Lord, time to openly and publicly worship God. 

Time has been a wonderful teacher.  Time spent taking notice of God's ways.  Time spent pondering God's miracles.  Time spent absorbing God's truths.  

Time has taught me that the committee meeting will take place, the cookies will appear for fellowship, the lesson presentation will go smoothly... these are not the most important items on the agenda.  Time has taught me that these things are meaningless if my preparation (worship, study, and prayer) is lacking.  Time has taught me that worship in His house must come first, and I am glad.

Were you made glad by something today?


  1. Lovely post,Donna Rae, just lovely.

  2. this is a beautiful post...I am made glad by waking up to my son every morning:) even if he is smacking me in the face and jumping all over me!
