Monday, January 31, 2011

Today's gratitude . . .

Today I am so grateful, my eyes opened to the blessings all around...

21.  Friends not seen in so many days, still encouraging, still loving

22.  The rich layers of God's word, so many still waiting for me to discover them

23.  A book a praise, given by a sweet friend

24.  Hard work and sacrifice

25.  New opportunities placed in my path by His hand

26.  The doubt that keeps me seeking Him

27.  The warmth of my home, repelling the cold of this world

 28.  Women, 113 dear women, gathering this past weekend to pray and praise and learn and laugh
29.  A pastor speaking biting truth, challenging we who are stagnant

30.  Fresh flowers


  1. I love women gathering to pray and praise! Thank you for sharing your blessings.

  2. Rich words for the gifts of God. He places our ears before a pastor speaking hard Truth, or eyes to see the abundance amidst the lack, among loving hearts with arms to wrap, and hungry hearts for His Word and guidance. May we continue to seek Him.
    I pray for your desire to increase and the doubts to decrease.
    with love and care, ~ linda
