Monday, February 21, 2011

More and More Gifts...

41.  warm breezes on skin too long cold

42.  strength to do the work before me

43.  wise words from a dear friend

44.  new mulch, spread by the arms that hold me

45.  round, blossom-filled buds on the dogwood my Daddy gave me
46.  surprises from a husband, always thinking of me

47.  streams of living water from the Word, poured over my world-parched soul

48.  choices before me, options ahead, left or right?

49.  darling Girl Scouts and the cookies they bring, sweetness in my day

50.  deep, rich compost, filled with wiggly worms

51.  her hands, working the yarn to bring comfort to others

52.  knowing that He is with me

53. dedicated ladies gathering each week to pray, to teach, to lead, to encourage

54.  clean water to drink

55.  Tasha's Own Scottish Oats and Honey Goat Milk Soap cleansing and soothing my skin

56.  paper of all kinds... printed and handmade and mulberry and so much more

57.  feet that can still feel the cool grass

58.  a pastor who cares, though he teases that he does not

59.  this funny little house that's become a home

60.  Joy... with 2-week-old baby girl and sweet big brothers and sister, and kind husband, trusting Him for all to move them to a new home... so strong

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