Monday, March 28, 2011

Bright Gifts on a Dreary Monday...

81.  New glasses to better see the beauty of God's word and creation
82.  Tart, crunchy pickles

83.  Spending a Sunday afternoon with my daughter

84.  Fresh kale and Swiss chard from the garden, bringing health to the body

85.  Caring doctors for my mother

86.  A warm and lovely place to attend worship each week
87.  Flannel sheets when the Spring weather goes into hiding

88.  So many generous hearts, reaching out to disaster victims

89.  The love of learning new things

90.  Again, the fragrant lilacs

1 comment:

  1. Love the glasses! And yes, it will make it easier to see all the gifts and gratitudes God sends your way! Thanks for sharing your list! And by the way, I LOVE the name of your blog!!!! I just adore flannel anything!
