Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What to do with radishes...

We've had an especially good harvest of radishes this season.  We succession planted Easter Egg Radish seeds, and we've been enjoying them in salads and we've cooked the radish tops with kale, Swiss chard, and spinach for a lovely side dish of greens.  But still there are radishes in the garden. 

I recently read a blog post by Tracey at Life in Sugar Hollow about something she'd discovered: radish butter.  What a crazy idea!!!  And I was growing these beautiful red, purple, magenta, and white radishes right outside!  I used this same recipe from The Splendid Table, except I substituted Earth Balance sticks for the dairy butter.

It looks creamy and delicious and I can't wait for supper!!!!


  1. I planted Easter egg radishes for the first time last year and just love the colors. It was a refreshing break from the normal red ones. I have yet to get any sown, but hope to soon. Still working on all the weeds!

  2. Oh, Lorie, I know about those weeds... they are the most productive plants in my garden!!!

  3. This looks awesome. I don't think I would have ever thought to put radishes and butter together but you sure made it look good!
