Thursday, May 26, 2011

Robert was right... again (Twin Oaks Sausage)

My son is so smart.  (I know, your children are fabulous, too!)  He really is.  And he is usually right.  I discovered a while back that he's right about thrifting.  He was right about the repairs needed on our keepsake Suzuki Samurai.  He's always been right about staying calm, extending grace to others, enjoying life.

This weekend I found one more thing he was right about:  Twin Oaks Vegetarian Sausage.  We've been using another brand faithfully to make "sausage" gravy and "sausage" patties and "sausage" & potato hash.  It was easily found and easy to work with and easy to keep using. 
We tried Twin Oaks Breakfast Style Vegetarian Sausage this weekend to make hash with onions, purple potatoes and sweet potatoes, served with homemade biscuits and sliced tomatoes (from Carolina).  It was delicious!  Just the right amount of spice and heat, perfect sausage-y texture, and SO MUCH BETTER than the other brand (which now seems like bland mush in comparison).  We found it at Organic Food Depot.

Robert, bless him, told us about Twin Oaks outside Richmond some time ago.  From the Twin Oaks website:
   "Twin Oaks is an egalitarian, resource-sharing eco-village. Since 1967, people have come to the fields and forests of Twin Oaks to share life and work, and participate in a secular society embracing cooperation, nonviolence, equality, and ecology. That’s more than 40 years of good vibes. . .

   Our tofu business generates much of Twin Oaks income. Members who want to make tofu volunteer to be involved in the process, and often devote a large part of their time to it. We take pride in making a really good healthy food in an eco-friendly atmosphere. We eat a lot of our own tofu, too… Every day! So we are very focused on quality and consistency in our tofu and soyfoods. The balance of Community income is made by Twin Oaks Hammocks, indexing books, and helping in an heirloom seed business run by Acorn (another intentional community located nearby). We’re self-supporting economically and share all income. Our businesses are all run as worker-owned cooperatives."

So, vegetarian, delicious, perfect texture, local, sustainable, intentional.  Twin Oaks is now permanently on our shopping list!

PS - Robert was also right about his new project.  It really is a beautiful thing:


  1. Hi Donna Rae! So funny that you mentioned headaches and storms, I have the same troubles. After the storm blew in last night, my headache cleared up. We are barometers, aren't we?

  2. I am also in love with vegetarian suasage (as a veg, for over 15 years now!) It is so delicious with tomato sauce in a crisp roll...kind of like a suasage sandwich:) I would so love to try this brand!!

  3. Tracey, it's true... we are barometers!

    Rebecca, I've been (mostly) vegan for about 4 years and this sausage is the best I've tasted. Hope you're able to find it near you!
