Monday, May 16, 2011

So Much To Be Thankful For...

121.  An honest pastor, speaking the heart, speaking His Word, speaking Truth

122.  Tea

123.  Cloudy, gray mornings

124.  Quiet reflective moments in this too, too busy world

125.  The opportunity to play dress up

126.  An unexpected day with an treasured friend

127.  Fresh, local, organic strawberries, bursting with the bright sweetness of Spring

128.  Finding Him in all the moments

129.  My own "thorns in the flesh", calling me to my knees, to slow down, to rest, to be still

130.  Always Tom


  1. I'm really enjoying strawberry season too! Your marmalade down below looks just scrumptious!


  2. Wonderful list. Love the teapot. . . and that tea can looks like a Harney & Sons one I've been wanting to try!

  3. Thanks so much for your sweet words, Manuela and Amy!
