Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sweet Sunday Surprises...

We have lots of children in our neighborhood.  They are fascinated with our vegetable and flower gardens.  They love to pet and kiss our dog, Scarlett, and she, sensing their innocence, patiently allows it.  They like to knock on our door.  Alot.  Just to say "Hi!" or "Can we pet Scarlett?" or "Can we visit the garden?"  Alot.  Sometimes I'm in the middle of cooking or working or even napping.  Sometimes I wonder why their parents let them knock on doors.  Sometimes I get frustrated and sigh when I hear the knock... again.

Today, I opened the door to go out and found this blooming display of love on my storm door...
Flowers and Autographs from our neighborhood children
My heart melted and I asked forgiveness for my sighing in the past.  I remembered that a couple of these neighbor children have a precious Christian mom expecting her sixth child.  I remembered that one of these children is outside most waking hours because "Mom says I need to play outside".  I remembered that our children are grown and that my husband and I have time and love.

I remembered singing in church, and praying that God would show me the neighbors He has chosen for me to serve.

We brought Scarlett out to the front porch and we spent an hour with these little ones, telling them about our flowers and our antique school desk and cultivator and milk can.  I answered all their questions and asked some of my own, drawing them into simple conversation. 

And I received an spontaneous hug with a quiet, "I love you, Miss Donna".

Jesu, Jesu,
Fill us with Your love, 
show us how to serve
The neighbors we have from You.
Thomas S. Colvin

1 comment:

  1. Donna, this post blesses me so much! To know that you minister to these children in your neighborhood is such a beautiful thing!! It is a lost art, for sure. Thank you for sharing this. =)
