Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Some photos, finally...

Massanetta Springs is beautiful.  It's a rural-ish retreat, tucked neatly in the shadow of Harrisonburg.  There are lovely old trees and ripening wild berries and butterflies and thundershowers.  And each Spring, I travel there to hear the voices of my sisters in faith... whispers of God-awe, laughter released after being so long imprisoned by daily life, prayer songs lifting to heaven, and re-awakened creativity breathed out.  It is a joyous time of refreshment and inspiration and fellowship.  I am too grateful, surprised by the gift each year.

sunrise at Massanetta Springs

thanks for the directions!
a few of the banners from across the Mid-Atlantic
Sondra and Cathy, the planners
the songbook
singing from the hymnal
Cathy addresses the gathering
Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer
smiling face, knitting hands
George is a great driver... really
all aboard!
the path to Steele Chapel
inside the Chapel
bridge after a Spring rain
in the Prayer Center
in the Prayer Center
friends quietly gathered in the Prayer Center
sharing stories from the quilt workshop
Providence women in the PW logo
sweet friends on our last morning at Massanetta

 Rejoice and be glad....
Matthew 5:12a


  1. What a blessed time of fellowship. And nothing beats the Virginia countryside. Have a great summer, Donna Rae.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Lorie, on your way to your own travels!
