Monday, July 25, 2011

Gifts I'm Pondering

161.  That God is mindful of me, even me

162.  That God provides so abundantly
163.  Rain, sweet rain

164.  Rest

165.  Creative and joyful work

166.  Learning to knit again... tiny prayer squares, but still knitting

167.  Ali Edwards' "Week In The Life" project, keeping me in each moment, getting me thinking about my papers and journaling again
168.  Opportunity to lead a new group of women... seeking the Lord's wisdom for this

169.  Always Tom
170.  Being able to hold my tongue, to endure, to be pained, yet come out on the other side


  1. we're grateful for rain this week too. it's rainy season here in Uganda, and it's been over a week of dryness.

  2. Those vegetables look amazing! Thanks for sharing your gifts.

  3. oh yes, I am so with you on the rain!!! xoxo

  4. I love posts where people mention that for which they are grateful!
