Saturday, July 9, 2011


It's my birthday.  I've had a lovely day.  Husband and I are planning a lovely evening.  We're making more plans for the coming weeks with grown children and with Mom.

More than the 'plans' we make, I am awed by the plans my God has for me.  As the days unfold, He shows me His mercy and grace and care in new ways.  I am so grateful for this life, for the days with loved ones, for the days to come.

Though the time and trials are beginning to show on my face, it's a joy to have arrived safely at 48!

Grab hold and enjoy each gifted day.  Do what you can while you can.  Praise the Lord in all things, the hard and the soft things.  Look forward to and treasure each birthday. 


  1. you are truly beautiful, friend:) I hope you have a fantastic day:) xoxo

  2. I'm glad you had a lovely day! Happy Birthday!

  3. Thank you, Rebecca and Manuela... you've extended my birthday joy with your sweet words!
