Monday, August 29, 2011

Gifts of Grace

What a week!  I have seen the glory of God in amazing ways over the last few days.  I have known surprises and unexpected visitors and peaceful gatherings.  His grace, His gifts to me...

201.  an earthquake, so unusual for our area, showing that He moves mountains

202.  unexpected guests, evacuated from their vacation, a son with his wife and furry ones

203.  special moments of quiet during a Japanese tea ceremony with a friend

204.  friendships, dear ones lifting me in prayer as I lift them

205.  another unexpected guest, Hurricane Irene... God is there in the wind and the rain

206.  the Lord's protection and provision during the storm, that we never lost power, that we suffered no damage to speak of

207.  peace in the storm, deep peace though the winds and rains raged

208.  only minor limbs down from all the tall, old trees around us

209.  more and more opportunities... seeking His face, desiring His call

210.  a new day to glorify God and enjoy Him


  1. Visiting from a Holy Experience. I'm thankful you were kept safe during the storm.


  2. Peace in the storm - a gift for sure! So thankful you came through the storm ok. What a great list today.

  3. Visiting from Ann's. He is the only source of peace and the calm in the storm. Thankful for His grace to your family.

  4. Hi, I am visiting from Ann's. I am so glad that God protected you during the storm. We have almost no damage here in my part of NC. I am just praying now for all of those affected. I loved you list.

    Maria @ Linen & Verbena

  5. I'm glad to see you guys didn't have damage from the storm. I'll have to send pictures of the Graziano house down here, it's soo relaxing to sit outside during a thunderstorm! <3 u, see you soon!

  6. Glad to see pictures of the dogs & house still intact! I need to post some fb pictures of the Graziano house so you can see it - it's so relaxing to sit outside during a thunderstorm! Love you, see you on Friday!

  7. So glad you are safe! I'm in northeast TN, and we felt it a little here, and everyone was so confused! ;) Praying this week will be a wonderful one!

