Monday, August 1, 2011

Gifts to begin the days of August...

The gifts are, of course, innumerable.  Each moment holds a gift if I have eyes to see.  Sometimes the gifts are effervescent with joy and hope, sometimes the gifts are hard and call me to God's rest.  But each moment holds a gift.  Count them with me.  Count them with Ann.  Count them with the community of the grateful.
171.  The invitation to come, be healed, recline, and share a simple meal - Matthew 14:13-21

172.  That Jesus invited even me to this banquet of grace

173.  That He invites me to do the same: to invite others to come, to sit, to know, to taste and see that He is good - Psalm 34:8

174.  That I have been hugged tight into a community of faith that hears these messages of hope each week from a strong and faithful pastor
175.  Mom waking to a birthday marking 70 years

176.  A creative daughter providing the sweet wishes for her grandmother's birthday
177.  Sunshine and rain and harvests

178.  Too many cucumbers
179.  New work for the hands of the dearest daughter-in-law

180.  A husband who listen and loves through the hard gifts


  1. A wonderful list! So many blessings! God is so faithful and good!

    Visiting from Ann's place

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Looks like you have a beautiful list yourself :) God bless you!
