Monday, October 10, 2011

With Deep Gratitude

Over the last month, we have watched my mother slip away day by day.  She suffered long and fought hard against the emphysema that took away her ability to breathe easily.  Quietly, she passed away on Friday afternoon.  A gift, a hard gift, but a true gift from a loving and knowing God.

Offering thanks today for...

- caregivers with deep faith and compassionate hearts

- nurses on the last two shifts of Mom's life with the same name as my own... all she had to do was call my name and someone would be there... God in the tiny details

- being with her in all the days and in those last hours, holding her hand, stroking her hair

- strength not my own in moments not imagined

- husband and children and friends, wrapping their arms around me

- peace that passes all understanding, keeping my heart and mind safe

- such exhaustion that deep sleep comes

- laughter and wisecracks from Mom during the hardest moments

- photos found, moments relived with joy

- the word, "Sweet," used over and over again during the last six weeks by everyone to describe my mother

1941 - 2011


  1. Thanks for sharing from your heart. Your strength (or rather God's strength through you) is amazing. Love you!

  2. Thanks for the love, Tidy Brown Wren. It means so much just now.

  3. Love you, dear heart. Wish I could be there. Know that I am with you in spirit, and you are ever close in my heart and prayers in these hours. May His strength and peace continue to enfold you.

  4. Your prayers and your spirit-closeness are a comfort, Joy.

  5. Oh - I know - I know - you are never too old so that losing your mama is easy. And I know that sorry means nothing – I know it by experience. "Sweet" - could there be a better word? People said the same thing about my mom. Donna Rae - just know you have my thoughts – that my heart goes out to you – God bless and keep you and all of yours my friend.

  6. The Lord is truly full of Grace. The sun can never set on His Mercy.

  7. The Lord is truly full of Grace. The sunwill never set on His Mercy.

  8. Sending you sympathy, and hoping that you are slowly healing....I came here via your comment at my blog. The photo of your mom reclining reminds me so much of my own mom, in her more vital and present days. Remembering you and others who have lost their mothers will help me to remain patient and grateful as I spend my days with my mom who is here with me, tho' so changed (Alz.).

    With kind regards,

