Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Thoughts and Images...

This Christmas finds me...
working at two churches
working through grief and guilt
working on renovating a master suite
working on upcoming obligations
working on my physical health

This Christmas calls me to...
wait expectantly for the Christ Child's arrival
live in a state of genuine gratitude
seek His face
envelope my life in the Word
rest in His care 

This Christmas I need to dare to let go and...
breathe in the sacred moments
breathe out praise and thanksgiving
allow Him to enter in, make room for Him, receive Him

Join me?
Providence Presbyterian

Providence Presbyterian Chrismon

Glitter and joy at Providence's Advent Workshop

Our Christmas tree

Second Presbyterian nativity

Second Presbyterian Chrismons

Second Presbyterian's Chrismon tree

Sanctuary at Second Presbyterian

In Providence's Enrichment space

 Advent wreath in Providence's Enrichment space

Providence Chancel Choir

Spritz snowflake cookies

Bells of Providence (cute guy on the end is my husband)

1 comment:

  1. Good words to think upon...beautiful photos to bring joy...Thanks you. Pauline
