Monday, April 30, 2012

Thankful for serving hands...

These last few days have been filled with generosity and service... an outpouring of love from our community of faith.  On April 21, our church family went out into the community to share the love of Christ and the work of their hands.  On April 28, the women of our church home invited women from the community to come in and be refreshed with 'new' outfits, health information, good books, and tasty treats.

I am awed by the timing, by the power, by the sufficiency of our mighty God for these works.

Thanking God today for...

- good friends sharing the work

- volunteers of all ages, working with good humor and lots of smiles

- strong arms helping those in need

- spots of beauty for ones in need of joy

- tools for the hands

- boundless generosity from our church members and from the community

- willing nurturers, caring for the health of our invited ones

- a husband of great faith and love, giving up a Saturday to help our women reach out to those in need
- my Lord and Savior, calling me always to follow Him


  1. What an awesome church family you have! Love your gifts!

  2. I love this post, until you give of yourself to another person in acts of haven't truly lived. Thanks, Kathy
