Friday, February 1, 2013

hobby greenhouses class at Norfolk Botanical Garden

This morning dawned cold, blustery, and dark.  No matter, the hubs and I had a date: we were headed to Norfolk Botanical Garden for a class on Hobby Greenhouses!  I'd love a greenhouse.  Ok, really I'd love a conservatory... a place to curl up in the chilly months with a good book and a cup of tea... a place where Scarlett and I could hide out and she could stalk squirrels... a place of quiet rest in the winter sun.  With a few growing things sheltered from the chill.  But first we had to learn more.

We got in the Jeep and headed to the garden just a few miles away.  Suddenly.  Snow.  Hhmmmm.  More snow.  Big flakes falling as we zipped along the highway.  And still very cold.  And windy.

Norfolk Botanical Garden is lovely, even in Winter.  We arrived and checked in, and were asked to wait as a group.  Hhmmmm.  We were going to ride the tram to the other side of the garden and enjoy our class in the propagation greenhouse.  Lovely!  (Did I mention that the tram is open.  To the cold.  And the wind.  With no heat.  Hhmmmm.)  We arrived at the greenhouse and hurried inside. 

And Spring opened her arms and enfolded us.  Aahhhhh.

We learned many things about soil content and greenhouse temperature control and suggested flooring material from a most knowledgeable facilitator. 

More than this, we had a delightful morning together in a warm greenhouse filled with green and growing things from the creative Hand of our God.   


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