Monday, March 21, 2011

Gifts I'm Thankful For...

71.  Finding inexpensive cardigans for the in-between season

72.  Amazing inspiration at a Spring craft marketplace

73.  Cranberry beans in the crockpot

74.  Buds and blooms all around our gardens
 75.  Tender asparagus spears, straight from our garden to our salad
76.  Friends sharing sweet stories

77.  Granddogs coming to visit
78.  Reminders of the brief time we are given

79.  Faithful and Godly examples all around me

80.  The sound of my dear husband's truck pulling into the driveway at the end of a long day


  1. Buds and blooms were on my list this week, too.

  2. Hubby's homecoming is always my favorite time of the day. I listen for the sound of tires on the gravel driveway.

  3. My ears perked at the mention of a craft show!!!! Would have loved to be there with you! LOVED the picture of the 3 pups at the door! Priceless! Do we get to know the recipe for the beans?????
