Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring morning Gifts...

61.  Lilacs ready to burst with fragrant bloom
62.  Rains for the garden

63.  This week's ashes

64.  Opening the pantry to find abundance

65.  Warm baths, soothing, refreshing

66. Tiny birds singing songs so big

67.  Salads picked just steps from the kitchen
68.  Squirrels running and jumping and playing

69.  Clothes drying in the sunshine

70.  New work for the hands


  1. I enjoyed reading your list. I just wish I could smell those lilacs!

  2. Ooohhhhh! I can just smell the lilacs. I remember when I had three lilac trees/bushes in an Oregon yard, long ago, but they were so yummy!
    Praise Him for the beauty of His earth.
    ~ linda

  3. I was drawn to your blog by the lilacs. I lingered to read your wonderful list.

    Spring morning gifts for sure!

  4. I came over from Ann’s linky today. I know it’s Wednesday – but I heart these thank you lists. My fave from the list by the way - 68. Squirrels running and jumping and playing (of course I pick the squirrels – so darned cute – I know they’re basically rats with fuzzy tails – but seriously – so cute)

    This made me happy. Happy is good. Thank you.

    God Bless and Keep you and yours
