Monday, April 25, 2011


There are so many gifts that have nothing to do with what I have, and everything to do with what He gave.  There are no photos vibrant enough to enhance the list.  There are no real words this side of heaven to describe the joy.

102.  God's love to me, a blemished lamb

103.  God's plan throughout time for my good

104.  The sweet, small whispers throughout my day, guiding me, teaching me

105.  The Word, true and ageless

106.  The moments of clarity and illumination in study, quietly gifted to me by the Holy Spirit

107.  Jesus, coming as a tiny human to save an entire world

108.  Jesus, walking among the broken and flawed, teaching and sharing and healing and loving

109.  Jesus, the Man, accused, humiliated, rejected, tortured, crushed beneath the sin of the world, yet obedient until death

110.  Jesus, the King, risen, glorious, coming again for me


  1. So beautiful...thanks for sharing.

  2. Your opening – so stunning in honesty and heart, “no photos vibrant enough to enhance the list. There are no real words this side of heaven to describe the joy.” Heart that Donna Rae – really do. And really – how am I supposed to pick one favorite the way I like – but I did – I pick 108. Jesus, walking among the broken and flawed, teaching and sharing and healing and loving Love is the thing for me – all of Christianity boils down to 1 Cor 13 love. And Our Lord was that – replace Love – with Jesus – and 1 Cor 13 makes even more sense. This was a joy to read – thank you – and God Bless and keep you and all of yours this day.
