Monday, May 9, 2011

Gratitude in Early May

Spring seems the season of surprise and hope, when the whole world leafs out and smiles with blossoms...

Thanking my Lord for

111.  this man marrying me 29 years ago

112.  thoughtful gifts

113.  early morning sounds through the window, taking me back to campground memories

114.  cake

115.  again the Word

116.  the struggles and pain and sadness that keep me seeking His goodness and wisdom

117.  a new pump for the garden, old school

118.  the children I have been blessed to mother

119.  lovely old towns filled with quaint shops and Southern charm and blooming beauty

120.  memories of Daddy


  1. Oh, glorious dogwoods bloomin' away! Just lovely! Yes, those pains and struggles can truly bring us to the heart of God should we choose to allow them. I am learning through physical pain again! And God is faithful to teach me.
    Thanks you for sharing, ~ linda

  2. Hello, Donna Rae! Thanks for stopping by. I had to do a double take when I saw your name because my aunt loves magazines and gardens, too! So happy to meet you :)

  3. And I forgot to say her name is Donna Rae!

  4. Oh, Jennifer, what a happy surprise! Thanks for the visit!

  5. Those are lovely blessings to be grateful for! Congratulations on 29 years of marriage!
