Monday, August 22, 2011

Gifts everywhere...

Some days I have a difficult time seeing the gifts.  Some days my vision is clouded with day-to-day cares, hurts carried when they should be released, a weakened body in a world that prizes strength and productivity.  Some days I want to pull the covers over my head and turn in my earthly ID card. 

But I am reminded, softly and quietly, of the gifts all around.  Gifts peep out of corners and they appear unexpectedly.  Gifts come to me in the night and they wake me in the morning.  Here are but a few...

191.  Living water

192.  Scarlett, bringing me a toy when I feel least like joyful play

193.  a beautiful painting from a sweet friend

 194.  work that I so enjoy

195.  tending God's garden

196.  mountains

197.  the Vinedresser, nurturing me to growth, pruning me when I need

198.  whispers of Autumn, yet so long away

199.  the Word, true, thirst quenching, soul soothing, Spirit-opened

200.   waking to a new day, to hope


  1. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. what a beautiful list of thanks. So glad I stopped by!

  3. Lovely! I'm hearing the whispers of Autumn too, my favorite time of year.

    Visiting from Ann's place today,

  4. Found you through Ann. Thank you for the beautiful reminder!

  5. Thanks so much for visiting me, Kathy, Melanie, Kristin, and Tereasa. Your kind words have given me more to be grateful for!

  6. Hello, Donna Rae! You visited my place recently and asked about a pattern for the crocheted scarf. My friend knit it for me (insert big happy grin here!). She made the pattern up but said she would be happy to write it down for you. I will post the pattern on my blog and let you know when it is up. Thanks for asking, she was thrilled that you appreciated it!

  7. Thanks so much, Jennifer! I've been crocheting and knitting neck warmers and scarves to prepare for winter... my neck and shoulders seem to be so cold all through the winter. Can't wait to hear from you!
