Monday, August 8, 2011

More August Gifts...

Quietly, almost imperceptibly, energy and creativity are returning.  Tears of joy welling up yesterday in worship, I realized it.  New journeys, new ministries are not mine.  They are gifts from a creative God.  In gratitude...

181.  Sunday worship

182.  pears from a coworker, put into jars to shine through the winter
183.  a strong voice singing out, "It is well with my soul".

184.  guitar played quietly in worship

185.  again, good air conditioning in this continued heat
186.  a surprise cantaloupe ripening in the garden

187.  so many new ministries

188.  the love that I am given, day after day

189.  "and He began to teach them."  Matthew 5:2

190.  the awe of communion, the sacrifice, the gift, the remembrance


  1. I love the way you wrote #182. Simple, yet lovely.

  2. first of all, Donna Rae, I heart the scribbled face on the pear. And of your thank you list – my favorite – the last one, about communion. I'm with you – I heart communion. To me – I'm kind of Martin Luther-ish about it. It's more than just of remembrance, it's less than the Catholic stance of transubstantiation – Luther said the Lord is in with under over and around the Lord's supper. There's something special about. Just my opinion – thank you for including it in your list – thank you for your list – hope to read more new stuff soon – hope all is well. God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours, Donna Rae ツ
