Flannel Jammies Farm

...praising God on our 1/5 acre of suburbia

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

moments in Spring...

Sometimes we need a few moments...
to catch our breath,
to calm ourselves,
to see God's creative hand at work.

My husband has been in the hospital for the last few days.  A small injury injury, a barefoot step onto something tiny and sharp, immediately became aggressive cellulitis.  What we thought was a return to the Emergency Department for perhaps a stronger antibiotic just a day later turned into a hospital admission. 

And did I mention the rains that came pouring down, the fog that rolled in, the dark clouds that hung overhead?  Even my ever-faithful, ever-positive, ever-hopeful husband experienced a long evening of discouragement.

But today the sun is shining brightly and green things are bursting all around!  I took a walk in the gardens and visited with sprouts and blossoms.  Here are a few of blessings God sprinkled before these weary eyes (don't mind the weeds)...
lilacs and beehives

lilacs in bloom

faerie garden


peony waking up

lemon balm returning

one bed of Spring sprouts: sugar snap pea, radish, and lettuces

tender plants in the mini greenhouse

blueberries and lamb's ear


joi choi


broccoli bolting

creasy greens or watercress
After coming inside and beginning breakfast before my trip back to the hospital, I felt a little Spirit-nudge to take one more moment, one more peek outside.  And there, the most amazing and beautiful visitor!  One more moment of loveliness for the heart...
swallowtail and lilac

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