Flannel Jammies Farm

...praising God on our 1/5 acre of suburbia

Saturday, April 23, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

A quick Spring update - - The vegetable garden is mostly in and we are blessed with green growth and the feel of rich earth in our hands. 

Our first tomato of the season!
Goat with heirloom tomatoes and onions
Cilantro and tomatoes
Black Cherry and Red Pear tomatoes with lettuces and Swiss Chard
Here are a few shots of our other Spring beds...
My favorite Iris
Bee and Butterfly border outside veggie garden
Hyacinth in the daylily
Daisy and Bee Balm
Vegetable garden inside the fence
Gerbera Daisy... a gift from Trista
Vinca Vine, or Periwinkle
Outrageous Azalea
Turtles chatting under the crape myrtle
Front porch bed
Birdy Chapel
Wishing you and yours a blessed and joyful Easter
from Flannel Jammies Farm!

1 comment:

Tidy Brown Wren said...

Thanks for sharing your garden with us. Such beauty.